[jbpm-users]Newbie question: testing a process without going through wsdl?

sol myr solmyr72 at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 2 17:05:00 EST 2009

I'm new to jbpm, and would appreciate help on the following.

I have a simple BPEL process that doesn't require any special container resources (database connection pools, etc). I'ts just a silly "sayHello" BPEL <process>:
- The <receive> expects to receive a person's name
- The <reply> is calculated by: concat('Hello to you ',  personsName)

Now, I'd like to test this process. 
Tutorials show how to test it as a web-service: deploy to JBoss, get the generated WSDL, generate a client from WSDL, and use this client for testing.
However, my question is: does jbpm provide easier API, that would allow me to test the process as stand-alone, without starting up a server and generating clients? 
In other words, I just want the stand-alone piece that knows how to parse <process> files and execute them... without the remoting/soap overhead.
I was hoping for some API in the lines of:

// this is not real code, just 'wishful thinking':
public static void main(...) {
   Process p=parseXml(myBpelFile);
   p.runOperation("sayHello", "John"); // operation name + input
   String reply= p.getReply();

Thanks :)

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