[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - JEE AS / jBPM / Exception when Oracle DB is restarted

gchanteb do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Mar 25 10:55:50 EDT 2009


I would like to know if somebody could help me.

I have a process with a timer launched at the node-leave event of start-state (t=0 second in my example). This timer have a duedate of 60 seconds then it takes a transition.
Here is my process:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
  | <process-definition xmlns="urn:jbpm.org:jpdl-3.2" name="process7">
  | 	<start-state name="start-state">
  | 		<event type="node-leave">
  | 			<script>System.out.println("Validity period timer launched.");</script>
  | 			<create-timer name="ValidityPeriodTimer" duedate="2 minutes" transition="to timeout">
  | 				<script>System.out.println("Validity period expired! Transition to timeout.");</script>
  | 			</create-timer>
  | 		</event>
  | 		<transition to="state1" name="to state1"/>
  | 	</start-state>
  | 	<state name="state1">
  | 		<transition to="state2" name="to state2"/>
  | 		<transition to="timeout" name="to timeout"/>
  | 	</state>
  | 	<state name="state2">
  | 		<transition to="end-state" name="to end-state"/>
  | 		<transition to="timeout" name="to timeout"/>
  | 	</state>
  | 	<end-state name="end-state"/>
  | 	<state name="timeout">
  | 		<transition to="end-state" name="to end-state"/>
  | 	</state>
  | </process-definition>

I deploy it on my JBoss AS and I start it in my jsf-console.
All is good. Now, i'm doing some tests:

1- If i stop JBoss at 20 seconds and if I restart it at 50 seconds, the transition is taken at 60 seconds, it's OK.
2- If i stop JBoss at 20 seconds and if I restart it a 70 seconds, the transition is taken at 71 seconds, it's OK.


3- If is stop my DB at 20 sec with JBoss AS always alive and i restart it at 50 seconds, it's not OK, i have this exception:

15:37:07,782 WARN  [TxConnectionManager] Connection error occured: org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager$TxConnectionEventListener at c57076[state=NORMAL mc=org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection at 5a6d04 handles=0 lastUse=1237991707886 permit=true trackByTx=true mcp=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool$OnePool at 1165281 context=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.InternalManagedConnectionPool at 82b79d xaResource=org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection at 5a6d04 txSync=null]
  | oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
  | 	at oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAResource.checkError(OracleXAResource.java:938)
  | 	at ??????
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] java.lang.IllegalMonitorStateException
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock$Sync.tryRelease(Unknown Source)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at java.util.concurrent.locks.AbstractQueuedSynchronizer.release(Unknown Source)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock.unlock(Unknown Source)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.BaseWrapperManagedConnection.unlock(BaseWrapperManagedConnection.java:277)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection.start(XAManagedConnection.java:235)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at ?????? 
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.TimedObjectInvokerImpl.callTimeout(TimedObjectInvokerImpl.java:104)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at org.jboss.ejb.txtimer.TimerImpl$TimerTaskImpl.run(TimerImpl.java:561)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at java.util.TimerThread.mainLoop(Unknown Source)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [STDERR] 	at java.util.TimerThread.run(Unknown Source)
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [LogInterceptor] EJBException in method: public abstract void javax.ejb.TimedObject.ejbTimeout(javax.ejb.Timer), causedBy:
  | org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!; - nested throwable: (javax.transaction.SystemException: java.lang.Throwable: Unabled to enlist resource, see the previous warnings. tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a0aa4b2:991:49ca40e5:f6 status: ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY >); - nested throwable: (org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!; - nested throwable: (javax.transaction.SystemException: java.lang.Throwable: Unabled to enlist resource, see the previous warnings. tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a0aa4b2:991:49ca40e5:f6 status: ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY >))
  | 	at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.WrapperDataSource.getConnection(WrapperDataSource.java:95)
  | 	at ??????
  | 15:37:07,813 ERROR [TimerImpl] Error invoking ejbTimeout
  | javax.ejb.EJBException: Load failed
  | 	at org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.jdbc.JDBCLoadEntityCommand.execute(JDBCLoadEntityCommand.java:251)
  | 	at ??????
  | Caused by: org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!; - nested throwable: (javax.transaction.SystemException: java.lang.Throwable: Unabled to enlist resource, see the previous warnings. tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a0aa4b2:991:49ca40e5:f6 status: ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY >); - nested throwable: (org.jboss.resource.JBossResourceException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!; - nested throwable: (javax.transaction.SystemException: java.lang.Throwable: Unabled to enlist resource, see the previous warnings. tx=TransactionImple < ac, BasicAction: a0aa4b2:991:49ca40e5:f6 status: ActionStatus.ABORT_ONLY >))
  | 	at ??????
  | 15:37:07,938 WARN  [TxConnectionManager] Connection error occured: org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager$TxConnectionEventListener at 1c50966[state=NORMAL mc=org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection at e3a17 handles=0 lastUse=1237991661503 permit=true trackByTx=true mcp=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.JBossManagedConnectionPool$OnePool at 1165281 context=org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.InternalManagedConnectionPool at 82b79d xaResource=org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.xa.XAManagedConnection at e3a17 txSync=null]
  | oracle.jdbc.xa.OracleXAException
  | 	at ??????

and 4- If is stop my DB at 20 sec with JBoss AS always alive and i restart it at 50 seconds, it's not OK, i have the exception. I restart JBoss AS and the transition is taken.

So my question is : What are all these exceptions? Could somebody help me? I would like to have my timer working when my DB is relaunched without restart my JBoss AS.


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