[jbpm-users] [JBoss jBPM] - jbpm4jsf source not found

lpiccoli do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon May 25 23:10:28 EDT 2009

hi all,

i have been following the instructions to get source code

however there is no jbpm4jsf or console in modules or anywhere in the 3.2.6 GA or trunk.

all i get when i run maven is the following.

  | C:\src\jbpm3.2.6\jbpm3>c:\apache-maven-2.1.0\BIN\mvn
  | [INFO] Scanning for projects...
  | Downloading: http://repository.jboss.org/maven2/org/jbpm/jbpm-parent/1.0.1.GA/jb
  | pm-parent-1.0.1.GA.pom
  | 6K downloaded  (jbpm-parent-1.0.1.GA.pom)
  | [INFO] Reactor build order:
  | [INFO]   JBoss jBPM3
  | [INFO]   JBoss jBPM3 - Core
  | [INFO]   JBoss jBPM3 - Identity
  | [INFO]   JBoss jBPM3 - Enterprise
  | [INFO]   JBoss jBPM3 - Examples
  | [INFO]   JBoss jBPM3 - Simulation

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