[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Dynamic due date on a Timer

rachel.primrose do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Nov 4 22:18:37 EST 2009

Is it possible to have a calculated value in the duedate field on a timer?


  | <state g="490,1029,131,40" name="Pending">
  | <on event="timeout">
  |       <timer duedate="4 business hours"/>
  |       <event-listener class="myactionclass">
  |       	<field name="myactionparameter"><string value="hello world"/></field>
  |       </event-listener>
  | </on>

I would want duedate="4 business hours" to be something like duedate=#{MyDateUtil.add(requestedTime,4)}, and requestedTime is a process instance variable that the user has submitted in a form.


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