[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Configure another scripting language

Eazyjd do-not-reply at jboss.com
Thu Nov 5 04:03:06 EST 2009


I would like to configure another scripting language the JUEL for JBPM 4.1.
In the Userguide, you can read:
anonymous wrote : To configure other scripting languages then jUEL, please refer to the developer's guide (non supported). 

But in the dev-guide, I can not find any information of how to do it. 

Nevertheless, I did some "research" inside the JBPM jar(s) and found in the default config file (jbpm.default.cfg.xml) the following lines:
anonymous wrote :     <script-manager default-expression-language="juel"
  |                     default-script-language="juel">
  |       <script-language name="juel" factory="org.jbpm.pvm.internal.script.JuelScriptEngineFactory" />
  |     </script-manager>

What would be the process to add another JSR-223 compliant scripting engine to JBPM 4.1?

Thanks in adv. for your help

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