[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Advice regarding complex proccess modeling

fabiomsouto do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 6 03:24:35 EST 2009


I've pointed out already some questions a few days ago, but our team decided to take it back to the drawing board, because we're a bit confused, so we were wondering if anyone more experienced could help.

We are currently trying to implement a document authorization and reviewing system, using jBPM. We are having some trouble defining the flow however.

What seems difficult to us is how to:

- Control the flow of the document through the organization. The document is read, forwarded to one or several people, then some of those people can forward the document too for further reading and commenting. We're having some trouble defining this flow.

- The document can be read by several people at the same time or an order can be defined, meaning that from a group of 3 people, for example, (X, Y and Z), only Y can read the document after X and Z can read after Y. How can we define this flow as well?

The main problem is that we can't tell in advance what people will be treating the document and if they will be doing it on a sequential or parallel way. what we now are the activities we want to perform on the document and in which sequence they occur.

Modeling all the different routes a document may take, combining all the activities we want to perform, doesn't seem like a good approach to the problem. This would result in a huge process definition or many process definitions creating a maintenance and usability problem.

Is there a design pattern to help solve this situation? Could someone more experienced give us some hints? 

Thank you very much.

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