[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: Jbpm 4.2 how to enable variable history

xalperte do-not-reply at jboss.com
Fri Nov 13 17:16:39 EST 2009

Sorry, I use format inside the Code block and it doesn't works....

This is the actual code: (ScopeInstanceImpl.createVariableObject), using isHistoryEnabled=true

  |     variable.setKey(key);
  |     variable.setExecution(getExecution());
  |     variable.setTask(getTask());
  |     variable.setHistoryEnabled(isHistoryEnabled);    <------- true
  |     variable.setValue(value); <------- Fires the VariableUpdate event
  |     long dbid = DbidGenerator.getDbidGenerator().getNextId();
  |     variable.setDbid(dbid);
  |     if (isHistoryEnabled) { <------- true
  |       HistoryEvent.fire(new VariableCreate(variable)); <------- fires VariableCreate event
  |     }

and that the code I thing could work:

  |     variable.setKey(key);
  |     variable.setExecution(getExecution());
  |     variable.setTask(getTask());
  |     variable.setHistoryEnabled(false);    <------- force false
  |     variable.setValue(value); <------- Now no VariableUpdate event will be fired
  |     long dbid = DbidGenerator.getDbidGenerator().getNextId();
  |     variable.setDbid(dbid);
  |     if (isHistoryEnabled) { <------- true
  |       HistoryEvent.fire(new VariableCreate(variable)); <------- fires VariableCreate event
  |     }
  |     variable.setHistoryEnabled(isHistoryEnabled);    <------- true

I hope that helps.

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