[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - Re: Jbpm 4.2 how to enable variable history

sebastian.s do-not-reply at jboss.com
Mon Nov 16 15:08:09 EST 2009

"xalperte" wrote : 
  | Buff, I'm looking inside the HistoryVariableImpl class and it only maintains a String representation of the original variable value, its not enough, to be functional the HistoryVariableImpl should maintain the exact value and type of the original variable.
  | I think the better approach is not delete the process instances when they are ended, and extends the ProcessInstanceQuery with the ended flag. This could be a short term solution. Why do you deletes the instances when it were ended? because the performance? the number of records in the tables? 

To answer one of your questions:

I think ended process instances are stored inside a seperate table because the tables used during runtime tend to get really big. If I recall it correctly this was the reason.

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