[jbpm-users] [jBPM Users] - How to signal subprocess?

OlivierL do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Nov 25 19:18:01 EST 2009


I have a subprocess in my workfow, and a state node within. I can execute it, and it wait as expected in the state node. Until here, everything is ok.

Now I want to signal the state node with : executionService.signalExecutionById(executionId). But the problem is : I don't know the executionId of the subprocess! I can't use : executionService.startProcessInstanceById(processDefinitionId).getId() either because I don't know the processDefinitionId since jBPM generates custom keys for subprocess!

I have also tried to find the subprocess execution id from its parent process, but it doesn't seem possible to access child process from parent process.

Did I miss something?

I'm using v4.2

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