[jbpm-users] Using Process Variables in a Rule & in a Human Task

Ajay Phagura ajay at redhat.com
Wed Feb 6 15:28:43 EST 2013

Hi Everyone,


I doing a PoC @ client site and trying to figure out how to use the
process variables in rule & human task. 

For the PoC I'm using the designer & jBPM console with default config (out
of the box). This is on BRMS 5.3.0 on EAP 5.1.2.

1.      The process model is pretty straight forward (see attachment):

User Task (client) 

Start => Script Node => Business Rule X
X => Script Node (out) => End

User Task (employee) 

2.      Process Variables;

String name;

String type

String flow 

3.      For using the process variables in rule task - I'm using the value
set in the process variable "flow" (in the action) to guide the transition
in the XOR:

.        I have a script node where I'm inserting the ProcessInstance


.        I'm setting the RuleFlow-Group as name - in the Business Rule

.        The rules I have are as follows

o   ruleflow-group "name"

                                             lock-on-active true


                                                  $process :

                                                  $type : String() from

                                                 eval($type == "field")


       System.out.println("In Rule Field"); 

e($process.getId())).setVariable("flow", "field");  




o   ruleflow-group "name"

               lock-on-active true


                           $process : WorkflowProcessInstance()

                                                       $type : String()
from (String)$process.getVariable("type")

                                                       eval($type ==


System.out.println("In Rule Regular");

$process.setVariable("flow", "regular");



.        When I start the process in JBPM Console, it prints out a print
statement in the script node and creates an agenda with the right rule but
then it throws exception say cannot setVariable...


4.      For the using the process variables for Human Task - I remove the
Business rule node and make the process mode transition to the user tasks.

.        Here I'm using the process variable "name" to be used as the
Actor using the #{name} expression. The process creates a personal task in
the jBPM Console for that user but I'm unable to open the form. It throws
an exception saying that Expression "name" cannot be resolved in the form.
I have generated the forms before starting the process in jBPM Console.

Any help will be greatly appreciated!!





Ajay Phagura

Red Hat Consulting

Mobile: (510) 290-4634

 <mailto:Ajay at redhat.com> Ajay at redhat.com

 <http://www.redhat.com/> www.redhat.com

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