[jopr-dev] EntityBean Mapping?

Bruno Wassermann bruno.wassermann at googlemail.com
Tue Oct 6 11:23:41 EDT 2009

Hi again,

I am having a little trouble integrating a simple EntityBean of my own. I
have defined DependencyBean (which will take care of inter-host/domain
dependencies among discovered resources). This entity bean defines a number
of named queries via the @NamedQuery annotation. Unfortunately, when I then
try and use it (any of the named queries) in a SLSB, Hibernate complains
about not being able to find the query. if I try to just use the query
string itself (with named parameters), it will complain of not being able to
locate the named parameters.

This makes me suspect that there is some step missing, maybe a mapping has
to be added manually somewhere (persistence.xml) or something else I am
missing? I have modelled the entity bean on
org.rhq.core.domain.resource.Resource. Is there some magic step I have to
take in the build process or somewhere else?

Just to clarify, this bean currently/temporarily lives in
enterprise.server.discovery and is one of the extensions I need for my use

Many thanks,

-- Bruno
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