[jsr-314-open] organizing composite component templates

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at GMAIL.COM
Mon Apr 13 17:41:50 EDT 2009

> Yes, you are correct that the resource naming scheme prevents nested
> resource libraries.  Nested resource libraries were not on the list of
> requirements when we designed this feature back in November of 2007.  We
> will not accept this requirement change at this point.

So the spec needs to at least be clear that it's not permitted and suggest
the alternative. Several people reading it didn't understand what to do in
this case.

IMHO, it's a shame that we can't use the nested structure. Seems like a
pretty obvious convention instead of configuration thing. I don't know how
that got missed in the design process.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action


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