[jsr-314-open] Outcome of JSFDays discussions

Andy Schwartz andy.schwartz at ORACLE.COM
Wed Apr 15 11:56:09 EDT 2009

Ed Burns wrote On 4/14/2009 8:26 PM ET:
>>>>>> On Thu, 02 Apr 2009 09:24:59 +0200, Martin Marinschek <mmarinschek at APACHE.ORG> said:
> MM> - A very small thing, but could be very useful: we could define that
> MM> the component-tag-handler of the facelets-vdl needs to put the
> MM> location of the component into the component-attributes map. With
> MM> this, we can emit the location of the component if there is an
> MM> exception during any lifecyle-phase - I believe this would help many
> MM> application developers. We can do this now (and shouldn't have done
> MM> before) cause with partial-state it is not a problem to have this
> MM> information in the component attributes map.
> Done.

I had suggested that we only save the location information when the 
project stage is development.  Martin seemed to agree that this was a 
reasonable idea:

> AS> Definitely a fan of anything that we can do to improve ease of
> AS> debugging.  Regarding full vs partial state saving...  I am thinking
> AS> that we may need to save full state in certain cases (eg. if we run into
> AS> cases that partial state saving cannot handle correctly).  If we are
> AS> concerned about bloating the saved state size with location information
> AS> in such cases, one option might be to only store location information
> AS> when project stage == development.  Actually, perhaps only storing
> AS> location information during the development (or, at least,
> AS> non-production) stage might not be a bad idea anyway?
> a very reasonable idea!
> regards,
> Martin

Was this suggestion included in the solution?


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