[jsr-314-open] f:event and composite components

David Geary clarity.training at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 12:39:16 EDT 2009

I have a login component. Here it is, severly truncated:

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" ...>

      <composite:attribute name="*validateMethod*"
e*) throws javax.faces.event.AbortProcessingException"/>
      <composite:attribute name="*loginAction*"
                    method-signature="java.lang.String action()"/>

        <h:form ...>
          <f:event type="postValidate" listener="#{cc.attrs.*validateMethod*
          <h:commandButton ... action="#{cc.attrs.*loginAction*}"/>


The action method works, but the validate method does not. When I submit the
form, I get this mysterious error:

    Unable to resolve composite component from using page using EL
expression '#{cc.attrs.validateMethod}'


1. The expression #{cc.attrs.validateMethod} is in the defining page, not
the using page. The error message is also clearly wrong about being able to
evaluate the component, which is evaluated all over the place in the
defining page. I assume that the method cannot be evaluated, for some

2. According to the javadocs for f:event, the method signature for
validateMethod above should not be "...ComponentSystemEvent e...". Instead,
it should be "...ComponentSystemEvent...", but if I do that, I get another
mysterious error:

    wrong number of arguments

(Note that wrong is not capitalized, and there is no hints as to what the
arguments are)

I don't think I'm doing anything wrong here, so I see no reason why mojarra
can't invoke my validate method when I submit the form. Also, the error
messages need to be rewritten--they are out of step with the usual
meaningful errors that we get nowadays from Facelets.

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