[jsr-314-open] Roger or Andy: high level question on Component Behaviors (was: Re: Behavior API overview)

Andy Schwartz andy.schwartz at ORACLE.COM
Sat Mar 14 23:02:52 EDT 2009

Ed -

@ResourceDependency annotates a component class to denote that the class 
has a dependency on a particular resource (eg. a JavaScript library, or 
style sheet).

Client behaviors allow executable scripts (ie. event handlers) to be 
attached to individual components at event points defined by the 
component class.

So this pulls in the "foo.js" JavaScript library any time a Foo 
component is present in the component tree:

  public class FooComponent extends UIComponentBase { ...}

And this attaches an Ajax behavior to the "mouseover" event on a 
FooComponent instance, causing an Ajax request to be fired when the user 
mouses over the component's content:

  <my:foo id="bar">
      <f:ajax event="mouseover"/>

Roger -

Let's sync up tomorrow and see if we can make sure that the spec is 
clear on this.


Ed Burns wrote On 3/14/2009 9:49 PM ET:
> Roger just added section 2.5.9 to the spec, to provide a high level overview of the 
> Component Behavior feature.  In this section, Roger says:
> "Component behavors provide a mechanism for enhancing existing components with 
> functionality that is not an inherant part of the component itself.  The first type of 
> component behavior that is introduced is client behavior. Client behaviors provide the 
> ability to attach client side scripts to components."
> As Roger has been driving component behaviors, I have not been paying close attention 
> to the feature.  Therefore, I read Roger's overview section with great interest.  When I 
> read the above text, I had to ask: If client behaviors allow attaching a client side script to 
> components, how is that different from having an 
> @ResourceDependency(name="script.js")?
> Roger, this basic question needs to be addressed in the overview.  
> I've uploaded the PDF that contains 2.5.9 and other kinds of Overview sections as well.  
> It's at <https://javaserverfaces-spec-
> public.dev.java.net/files/documents/1936/129539/JSF_20090314.pdf>.
> ACTION: Andy or Roger, please answer my basic question.
> Thanks,
> Ed

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