[jsr-314-open] default converter for java.util.Date type

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 31 01:11:19 EDT 2009

Issue 494 (
seemed to have fallen off the map, but since I just implemented a solution
in Seam, I have decided to bring it back up. It's really inconvenient not to
have at least a default converter for the type java.util.Date. While
certainly dates inputs are something which vary widely, it's tedious in the
early stages of an application to have to plug a DataTimeConverter on every
input that accepts a date.

The solution is as simple as registering DateTimeConverter with the class
java.util.Date and accepting the defaults. The developer can simply specify
a nested <f:convertDateTime> to override. The main limitation is that there
is no way to know if the developer intends to capture a date or date + time
since the type java.util.Date doesn't provide this information. Thus, we
capture date and let the user specify a converter otherwise.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action


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