[jsr-314-open] f:ajax not working inside composite components?

Ryan Lubke Ryan.Lubke at SUN.COM
Tue May 12 17:39:58 EDT 2009

On 5/12/09 2:17 PM, David Geary wrote:
> 2009/5/12 Andy Schwartz <andy.schwartz at oracle.com 
> <mailto:andy.schwartz at oracle.com>>
>     Hi David -
> Hi Andy,
> Thanks for responding.
>     David Geary wrote On 5/12/2009 12:36 PM ET:
>>     <h:selectOneMenu id="menu"
>>                       value="#{place.zoomIndex}"
>>                       valueChangeListener="#{place.zoomChanged}"
>>                       style="font-size:13px;font-family:Palatino">
>>     <f:selectItems value="#{places.zoomLevelItems}"/>
>>     *<f:ajax execute="@this" render="image"/>
>>     *
>>     </h:selectOneMenu>
>     This looks good to me.
> Yup. I thought that perhaps I was failing validation for some reason, 
> so I added immediate="true" to the f:ajax tag, but it didn't fix the 
> problem. :(
>> With FireBug, I've verified that a POST request is indeed executed 
>> when I change the zoom level, and it appears that everything is in order:
>> form    form
>> j_id-939329235_16ef8569:0:j_id-939329235_16ef8513:j_id1608935764_5fe6690f:menu    
>> 3
>> javax.faces.ViewState    -1363564553004911965:-1863826268811277742
>> javax.faces.behavior.event    valueChange
>> javax.faces.partial.ajax    true
>> javax.faces.partial.event    change
>> javax.faces.partial.execute    
>> j_id-939329235_16ef8569:0:j_id-939329235_16ef8513:j_id1608935764_5fe6690f:menu
>> javax.faces.partial.render    
>> j_id-939329235_16ef8569:0:j_id-939329235_16ef8513:j_id1608935764_5fe6690f:image
>> javax.faces.source    
>> j_id-939329235_16ef8569:0:j_id-939329235_16ef8513:j_id1608935764_5fe6690f:menu
>     And the request payload looks right - seems like all of the
>     necessary information is present.  (Though, man, those
>     auto-generated client ids sure are huge!)
> Yes, it looks right to me too.
>> I get a response back that looks like this:
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>> <partial-response><changes><update 
>> id="javax.faces.ViewState"><![CDATA[1747337848471748955:2683565346534242854
>>   ]]></update></changes></partial-response>
>> However, with f:ajax, my value change listener is never invoked on 
>> the server, so the menu doesn't update, even though I've specified 
>> that the menu should go through the execute phase of the lifecycle.
>> Does anyone know why my value change listener is not invoked? Am I 
>> doing something wrong, or is this a bug?
>     Seems like the execute portion of the lifecycle is not being
>     invoked properly.  I don't see anything wrong in your code - so I
>     suspect there is a bug here.
> I put a phase listener in the app to monitor the lifecycle, and all 
> six phases of the lifecycle are invoked, in the correct order when the 
> ajax request is made, but my value change listener is still not 
> invoked. It's interesting to note that when I remove the f:ajax tag, 
> and add an onchange="submit()" attribute to the menu, my value change 
> listener does get invoked, so it definitely seems like a bug to me. I 
> can't think of any good reason for the difference in behavior between 
> the Ajax and non-Ajax versions.
> It seems to me that the lifecycle is executing properly, but it's not 
> processing my menu, even though I've got execute="@this", and that 
> information is apparently correctly passed to the server.
> Is anyone from the RI team listening? Ryan? I can JAR up the app, and 
> send it to interested parties. I'd really like to get this fixed so I 
> can nail down this demo for JavaOne. It's a pretty cool demo, but it 
> looses much of its appeal when it doesn't work.
Feel free to send it my way.
> Help!!
>> btw, here are a couple of interesting datapoints:
>> 1. I have breakpoints in jsf.ajax.request and jsf.ajax.response. The 
>> request breakpoint is hit, but the response is not. The return status 
>> for the response is 200, so there are apparently no errors.
>> 2. I thought, from Jim Driscoll's blog about f:ajax, that we had to 
>> specify client ids for execute and render, so I originally had this:
>> <f:ajax execute="@this" render="#{cc.clientId}:image"/>
>> But when I do that, I get this error...
>> <f:ajax> contains an unknown id 
>> 'j_id-939329235_16ef8569:0:j_id-939329235_16ef8513:j_id1608935764_5fe6690f:image'
>> ...when I load the page, even though that is the correct client id 
>> (as evidenced from the request data above). Evidently, we're supposed 
>> to use the component id and not the client id?
>     When specifying execute/render ids for <f:ajax>, the id resolution
>     behavior is similar to findComponent().  So, if you specify a
>     relative id, eg. "image", this should be resolved relative to the
>     nearest naming container.  In your case, that would be the
>     composite component.  In order to specify an absolute id, you
>     would prefix the id with ":", eg. ":foo:mycompositecomp:image".
> Ah, okay, I missed that in the docs. Thanks for the explanation.
> david

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