[jsr-314-open] FacesServlet declaration in Java EE 6

Alaxander Smirnov asmirnov at exadel.com
Fri Nov 6 02:41:57 EST 2009

On 11/03/2009 10:05 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2009 at 12:45 AM, Martin Marinschek 
> <mmarinschek at apache.org <mailto:mmarinschek at apache.org>> wrote:
>     I would hope we take this in. However, we would probably have to
>     specify a default-name for the FacesServlet then, so that people can
>     override.
> Precisely.
>     Also, is the postfix-mapping the way to go right now? With resource
>     handling, prefix mapping might be easier to pre-configure?
> I'm fine with either one. I just always use suffix mapping out of habit.
Prefix mapping would be even better. Framework can believe on prefix to 
load resources that resolves relative references form styles and 
scripts, but user still can append its own prefixes and suffixes if he 
The only problem is portlet environment where Faces Servlet is not 
necessary and it even had better to not include servlet configuration at 
all to prevent direct access to JSF pages.
> -Dan
> -- 
> Dan Allen
> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
> Registered Linux User #231597
> http://mojavelinux.com
> http://mojavelinux.com/seaminaction
> http://www.google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen
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