[jsr-314-open] Spec-Issue https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=1408

Martin Marinschek mmarinschek at apache.org
Tue Nov 10 21:04:34 EST 2009

Hi Ryan,

>> I don't think it is really cool to list all our applications' pages in
>> this exemption list - we are using dialogs, built on top of dynamic
>> includes, so we (at least) will have to find a workaround here.
> You can disable partial state saving for the entire application and not
> for specific views.

ok, that's good.

>> In
>> https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/issues/showvotes.cgi?issue_id=1313,
>> I suggest an (or better two) alternative courses of action. One of
>> them we should take, I believe. Find the issue text in the following:
>> 1) (preferred) do as Facelets did before: treat the second
>> merry-go-round (application of tag-handlers) slightly different. Just
>> deal with new components (call mark initial state) and deleted
>> components (let them silently fall under the table, don't treat them
>> as dynamically removed components), and don't call onComponentCreated,
>> but onComponentPopulated if the component has been found. The
>> tag-handlers already expect this behaviour.
>> 2) (performance intensive, not preferred) save partial state, recreate
>> the component tree and reapply partial state before rendering
> We'll see if we can address this for 2.0.2.

that would be cool. If the sentence in the spec is changed (which says
that applying the tag-handlers should occur only once), I do think it
is possible to do this in the implementation only.





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