[jsr-314-open] <h:dataTable> binding vs. ui:repeat

Andy Schwartz andy.schwartz at oracle.com
Fri Sep 4 15:37:20 EDT 2009

Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
> FYI -- a sneak peek. This is working -- with seam el in this example, 
> of course.
> Comment now "or forever hold your peace unless it needs to be 
> changed"   ;)


> <a:editText value="#{viewProjectBean.project.vision}" 
> rendered="#{authorizationBean.isOwner}" >
>     *<f:valueChangeListener for="value" 
> action="#{viewProjectBean.test('foo')}" />*

We ended up going with "listener" as the attribute name for <f:event>, 
though IIRC, both Dan and Pete preferred "action".  While I don't know 
that "listener" is the most brilliant name, personally I have always 
thought of "action" having a special connotation - ie. actions are 
triggered by command components and return outcomes that impact 
navigation.  Seeing an "action" attribute on a f:valueChangeListener 
seems a bit awkward to me.

In terms of spec details, I think we need to clarify what the behavior 
is when both "action" (or whatever we call it) and "type" are specified.


>     <f:actionListener for="submit" 
> binding="#{viewProjectBean.projectChangeListener}" />
>     <f:converter for="output" converterId="webLinkConverter"/>
> </a:editText>
> --Lincoln
> --
> *Lincoln Baxter, III*
> Co-Founder of OcpSoft <http://ocpsoft.com>
> Author of PrettyFaces <http://ocpsoft.com/prettyfaces> URL Rewriting 
> for JSF

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