[jsr-314-open] <h:dataTable> binding vs. ui:repeat

Simon Lessard Simon_Lessard at dmr.ca
Mon Sep 14 15:49:39 EDT 2009

Yes, Trinidad uses UIXCollection as the base class for all iterating components (UIXIterator and UIXHierarchy) which are then extended by UIXTable, UIXTree, UIXNavigation*, etc. The exact hierarchy is something like:
-- UIXIterator
   -- UIXTable
      -- CoreTable
-- UIXHierarchy
   -- UIXTree
      -- UIXTreeTable
         -- CoreTreeTable
   -- UIXNavigationHierarchy
      -- UIXNavigationLevel
         -- CoreNavigationPane
~ Simon


From: jsr-314-open-bounces at jcp.org on behalf of Alaxander Smirnov
Sent: Mon 9/14/2009 2:34 PM
To: jsr-314-open at jcp.org
Subject: Re: [jsr-314-open] <h:dataTable> binding vs. ui:repeat

On 09/04/2009 12:56 PM, Andy Schwartz wrote:
> Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>> On Fri, 07 Aug 2009 08:31:51 +0200, Martin Marinschek
>>>>>>> <mmarinschek at apache.org> said:
>> MM> Hi Lincoln,
>>>> Unless I'm mistaken, ui:repeat is not a component and therefore cannot
>>>> be bound to a backing bean,
>> MM> I thought it was - and just checked, it derives from
>> UIComponentBase.
>> MM> Does the binding attribute not work for you?
>> Yes, but it's implementation specific and not in the
>> javax.faces.component package.
> Ah, interesting.  In Trinidad we have a common base class for
> components that iterate over a collection:
> http://myfaces.apache.org/trinidad/trinidad-api/apidocs/org/apache/myfaces/trinidad/component/UIXCollection.html
> This is used as the base for both UIXIterator (Trinidad equivalent of
> ui:repeat) and UIXTable (Trinidad equivalent for UIData).  Perhaps for
> 2.1 we should consider surfacing a similar base class/contract, along
> with a public UIRepeat component.
RichFaces uses the same approach too. I believe that iteration
components should be complete rewritten in JSF 2.1 using such
architecture. Does Trinidad tree comonent use the same base class ?
> Andy

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