[jsr-314-open] Evaluating EL in resource files

Ryan Lubke Ryan.Lubke at Sun.COM
Thu Sep 24 14:51:40 EDT 2009

On 9/24/09 10:33 AM, Andy Schwartz wrote:
> lincolnbaxter at gmail.com wrote:
>> Sorry for short reply. Blackberry. Isn't caching controlled by devs 
>> already? I had to add a response header filter to my app to control 
>> this.
> Not sure where this currently stands, but I strongly prefer that the 
> JSF resource handler set cache headers automatically (depending on the 
> project stage of course).  Individual application developers should 
> not be required to duplicate this effort.
Yes, the default ResourceHandler implementation does set cache headers.  
We still need to make it sensitive to ProjectStage and had discussed 
doing so about two weeks back.
> FWIW, the Trinidad ResourceServlet, which provides similar 
> functionality to the JSF resource handler, takes care of setting cache 
> headers.  I assumed that JSF would do the same.
> Andy

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