[jsr-314-open] [jsf2next] PROJECT_STAGE system property configuration

Jim Driscoll Jim.Driscoll at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 6 18:45:07 EST 2010

On 1/6/10 11:26 AM, Cay Horstmann wrote:
> On 01/06/2010 09:48 AM, Ed Burns wrote:
>>>>>>> On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 21:15:53 -0800, Cay
>>>>>>> Horstmann<cay at horstmann.com> said:
>> CH> Still, this points to the fact that the default for the project
>> stage is
>> CH> probably wrong.
>> Let's take a step back and look at my motivation for wanting to have the
>> default be "Development". One of the biggest classes of gripes about
>> JSF is the "JSF's error messages suck, if you get them at all" kind of
>> gripe. We need to make the out of the box experience address those
>> kinds of gripes directly.
>> I continue to feel the same way, so I do not support changing the
>> default value.
> Just to clarify--everyone seems in agreement that the default should be
> Development, so developers get a good OOBE.

Well, I actually think that the question is considerably more 
complicated than that.

The default value will be the value that naive users end up using. 
(Though presumably after they've read Ed or your book, they won't be 
quite so naive as to leave it unset.)

So, do we want naive users to have imperfect error messages, or a slow 

Because those are the choices...

And a naive user is more likely to notice the imperfect error messages 
than the decrease in performance, right?

We also may have over-specified this - why not say that the default is 
container specific?  That, plus the ability to set this container-wide, 
could possibly solve the issue.

Backward compatibility issues aside, I'm not sure that changing the 
default to be Development would be wise.


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