[jsr-314-open] Problem with Resource.getRequestPath() in a portlet environment

Alexander Smirnov asmirnov at exadel.com
Mon Jan 18 19:26:03 EST 2010

I've caught that problem too during development of the Jboss portletbridge.
To those who are not familiar with subject: As required by JSR-301, Jsf
Portlet bridge converts servlet URL to the Portlet ResourceURL in the
ExternalContext#encodeResourceURL method that is never called for
Mojarra resource URL's. Of course, that makes sense for
session-independent resources in the servlet environment where
"JSESSIONID" parameter only enforces browser to reload already cached
resources but got us into a trouble in the portals.

On 01/15/2010 04:51 AM, Neil Griffin wrote:
> FYI, I tried this and bad things started to happen:
> public class MyResourceImpl
> extends javax.faces.application.ResourceWrapper {
> @Override
> public String getRequestPath() {
> ExternalContext externalContext =
> FacesContext.getCurrentInstance.getExternalContext();
> return externalContext.encodeResourceURL(getWrapped().getRequestPath());
> }
> }
> So at this point I would say three things:
> 1. Mojarra's implementation of ResourceImpl.getRequestPath() is fine --
> don't change it. Portlet bridges can work with the return value -- they
> just have to parse out the request parameters and make them work with a
> javax.portlet.ResourceURL
> 2. The Javadocs for Resource.getRequestPath() [1] should be fortified to
> explicitly say that this method should:
> A. Construct a String-based URI that includes the
> ResourceHandler.RESOURCE_IDENTIFIER (aka "javax.faces.resource")
> B. Add request parameters to the URL for:
> i. Resource Name
> ii. Library Name
> iii. Library Version
> iv. Locale Prefix
> C. Call ViewHander.getResourceURL(uri) to obtain a URL and return that value
> D. It is the responsibility of the caller to call
> ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL(String) on the return value before
> rendering the URL in the response
> 3. Since the following classes in Mojarra call
> Resource.getRequestPath(), they should get fixed so that they call
> ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL(String):
> com.sun.faces.el.ResourceELResolver
> com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.ScriptRenderer
> com.sun.faces.renderkit.html_basic.StylesheetRenderer
> com.sun.faces.renderkit.RenderKitUtils
> Anyone from the Mojarra team agree/disagree?
> Thanks,
> Neil
> [1] https://javaserverfaces.dev.java.net/nonav/docs/2.0/javadocs/javax/faces/application/ResourceWrapper.html#getRequestPath()
>> On Jan 13, 2010, at 1:07 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>> Sorry. Hard to type on the phone. I was speaking specifically about
>> externalcontext.getrequestpath()
>> The resource.getrequestpath() method states no such requirement. It
>> may be an oversight.
>> Lincoln Baxter III
>> http://ocpsoft.com <http://ocpsoft.com/>
>> http://scrumshark.com <http://scrumshark.com/>
>> Keep it simple.
> On Jan 13, 2010, at 12:50 PM, Neil Griffin wrote:
>> Thanks Lincoln. Well if that's indeed the case, then I guess that
>> means there are some bugs in Mojarra. For
>> example, StyleSheetRenderer.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent)
>> should call ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL() before it outputs the
>> <link> tag.
>> Anyone from the Mojarra team agree/disagree?
>> Neil
>> On Jan 13, 2010, at 12:43 PM, Lincoln Baxter, III wrote:
>>> I believe it is your responsibility, since that method is required to
>>> simply pass-through the servlet/portletrequest return value for that
>>> method.
>>> Lincoln Baxter III
>>> http://ocpsoft.com <http://ocpsoft.com/>
>>> http://scrumshark.com <http://scrumshark.com/>
>>> Keep it simple.
>>>> On Jan 13, 2010 12:18 PM, "Neil Griffin"
>>>> <neil.griffin at portletfaces.org
>>>> <mailto:neil.griffin at portletfaces.org>> wrote:
>>>> Hello all,
>>>> This could be a bug in Mojarra 2.0.2, or it could be a problem with
>>>> the spec -- I'm not sure. Someone please help me out. :-)
>>>> I'm trying to get JSF 2.0 resource stuff to work right in the
>>>> PortletFaces Bridge, but the return value from
>>>> Resource.getRequestPath() is not encoded...
>>>> So the question is... who's responsibility is it to call
>>>> ExternalContext.encodeResourceURL()? Should that already be done by
>>>> Resource.getRequestPath(), or should the calling method  (like
>>>> StyleSheetRenderer.encodeEnd(FacesContext, UIComponent) take care of it?
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Neil

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