[jsr-314-open] REMINDER [ADMIN] EG Meeting Next Week

Roger Kitain Roger.Kitain at Sun.COM
Wed Jan 20 11:10:40 EST 2010

Ed Burns wrote:
> I apologize for the arbitrary timing of this meeting.  Let's see how
> many can't make it and we'll tweak the timing of the next one.
> Time and Date
> =============
> http://timeanddate.com/worldclock/meetingdetails.html?year=2010&month=1&day=20&hour=18&min=0&sec=0&p1=136&p2=43&p3=224&p4=240
> London            Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 6:00:00 PMUTC GMT
> (U.K. - England)
> Boston            Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 1:00:00 PMUTC-5 hours EST
> (U.S.A. - Massachusetts)
> San Francisco     Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 10:00:00 AMUTC-8 hours PST
> (U.S.A. - California)
> Sydney            Thursday, January 21, 2010 at 5:00:00 AMUTC+11 hours EDT
> (Australia - New South Wales)
> Corresponding UTC Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 18:00:00 
> (GMT)
> Telephone call in
> =================
> U.S.A. toll free: 1 866 839 8145
> Caller Paid:        865 524 6352
> Access code:      3555194
> If you don't want to pay full price a toll call, please consider
> SkypeOut.  It's very cheap and the quality is sometimes decent.
> Duration: 60 minutes
> Agenda
> ======
> Planning for Revision 2.0 a of the spec.
> Problem 1 Choosing what to do
> =============================
> The ChangeLog of record is now at our JCP Wiki [1].  TAnything not in the
> "Accepted Changes" section will not be done for 2.0 Rev a.  However, I'm
> not convinced that everything that needs to be in that section is in
> there.  There are at least two additional data sources to which we
> should look to discover issues that should be in the "Accepted changes"
> section.  I think we should undertake the following steps to get 2.0 Rev
> a done.
> A. Clean up the ChangeLog so that it accurately represents everything
> that needs to go into 2.0 Rev a in its "Accepted Changes" section
> B. Officially file the JCP MR.
> C. Do the spec work during the review of the MR.
> Task A subtasks
> 1. The Jsf2ErrataScratchPad [2].  Roger and I must go through this data
> source and put content either directly into the spec, or into the
> "Accepted changes" section, removing it from the scratchpad as we go.
> 2. The jsf-spec public issue tracker [3] We need issue captains to go
> through all the issues currently targeted for "2.0 Rev a" or
> "unscheduled" and make sure they are represented in the ChangeLog.  If
> the issue is already in the ChangeLog, great, no additional action is
> required.  If the issue is not in the changelog, add it to the "proposed
> changes" section.  
> 3. Roger and Ed make another pass thru the "Proposed Changes" section of
> the ChangeLog and move things to "Accepted" or leave them in "Proposed"
> Tasks B and C can run in parallel.  I would like to ask for a volunteer
> to install FrameMaker so Roger and I can have a helper on doing task C.
> Sun owns some FrameMaker licenses, so I assume anyone that might buy
> Sun will have access to these as well.  This could mean that Andy,
> Blake, or Matthias could step in and help.  Anyone with a FrameMaker 7
> license is welcome to be the helper.
> Problem 2 Unfinished business from 20091202 meeting
> ===================================================
> I'd like to spend 10 minutes getting an update on the JCP and list
> situation, as well as on javaserverfaces.org.
> I hope many people can make the meeting!
> Ed
> [1] http://wiki.jcp.org/wiki/index.php?page=JSF+2.0+Rev+A+Change+Log
> [2] http://wiki.jcp.org/wiki/index.php?page=Jsf2ErrataScratchPad
> [3] https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/reports.cgi?state=Open+issues&containing=&type=natural+language+search&x=Milestone&y=Priority

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