[jsr-314-open] Method signatures for event handlers

Kito Mann kito.mann at virtua.com
Mon Jan 25 11:34:07 EST 2010

> Given that, my take is that:
> 1. Our biggest risk of confusion would be to have the the spec be
> inconsistent between these cases.
> 2. The behavior specified for actionListener (event parameter is optional)
> is the preferred behavior.  (We intentionally added this behavior in 2.0).
> 3. The fact that Mojarra implements this behavior for f:event's listener
> attribute as well is a good thing (and probably intentional).
> 4. We should update the spec in our upcoming MR to clarify that the current
> behavior is by design.

Good points.


> I have logged the following spec issue to track this:
> https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=731
> Andy
>  The reason you want to make it so is to have a better unit testing story.
>> Cay
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