[jsr-314-open] Method signatures for event handlers

Andy Schwartz andy.schwartz at oracle.com
Tue Jan 26 18:01:03 EST 2010

Dan Allen wrote:
> I'm almost certain that we agreed that the event parameter (and 
> exception signature) were optional. I clearly remember having that 
> discussion. I don't have it in my archives, but for those that have 
> them, the discussion should start around Jan 17, 2009.

I couldn't find the system event listener discussion, but I did find the 
discussion about making FacesEvents optional.  Was started on 8/13/08 by 
Pete.  Conditionally closed on 8/23 by Ed.  I won't bother trying to 
link to the mail archives (sigh), but the spec issue is:


> Thus, I consider this a spec error. The fact that Mojarra implements 
> the desired behavior is a partial indication that we agreed on it, too.

Yep.  Think we are all in agreement on this now.  The spec issue that I 
logged is targeted for 2.0 Rev a, so at this point I think it is safe to 
assume that we'll be fixing this for our MR.


> -Dan
> -- 
> Dan Allen
> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
> Registered Linux User #231597
> http://mojavelinux.com
> http://mojavelinux.com/seaminaction
> http://www.google.com/profiles/dan.j.allen

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