[jsr-314-open] Slashes in resource library names?

Cay Horstmann cay at horstmann.com
Sat Jan 30 18:23:04 EST 2010

I have been trying to understand whether the spec allows slashes in 
resource library names. For example, is it within the spec to have a 
composite component with library name components/util?

It works fine in Mojarra: Place components into 
resources/components/util and use a namespace alias

But there is a catch--it won't locate a backing component in the 
components.util package.

And per the API docs for Application#createComponent, I have no right to 
expect that: "Create a fully qualified Java class name by removing any 
file extension from resource-name and let fqcn be library-name + "." + 

So, I tried to read the spec for clarification. states: The 
occurrence of the string “http://java.sun.com/jsf/composite/” in a 
Facelet XML namespace declaration means that *whatever follows that last 
“/”* is taken to be the name of a resource library.

"Whatever follows" is pretty clear. In my example, components/util would 
be the library name. But is it a legal library name? states "Every character in a resource identifier must be a valid 
character suitable for use in a string passed to the constructor
of java.io.File that takes a single String argument."

I don't understand this statement. In Windows, can you make files 
containing / symbols? If so, will slashes be treated as directory 
separators? What about colons? Will they be drive letters?

Or are we saying it doesn't matter--we just feed the library name into 
the File constructor, and whatever happens, happens? Then you could have 
a situation where a WAR file works fine on Linux but not on Windows.

Before I file an issue, could one of you tell me whether you intended to 
support hierarchical library names (such as components/util), or whether 
you envisioned only one level?




Cay S. Horstmann | http://horstmann.com | mailto:cay at horstmann.com

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