[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] Expose TemplateClient api to make gracelets work with jsf 2.0

Ken Paulsen ken.paulsen at oracle.com
Wed Mar 31 13:04:51 EDT 2010

I believe the intent was to provide a View meta-data API (VAST - View 
Abstract State Tree) which abstracted this level of detail w/o tying it 
to Facelets.  That way frameworks such as Gracelets could write to that 
API and work w/ any View technology (not just Facelets).  Therefor, 
making the Facelets-specific API's part of the implementation makes sense.

Not sure where things stand right now, though...


On 03/31/2010 09:34 AM, Leonardo Uribe wrote:
> Hi
> This message is on behalf of Lewis Gass.
> I am writing in relation to a particular use case which reveals that the
> current JSF 2.0 public API is defficient. This is in relation the open
> source project Gracelets (http://gracelets.sourceforge.net/) and the new
> effort to integrate JSF 2.0 with Groovy. In order for people to use 
> Groovy
> as an alternative View Langauge they need
> to have access to the all the Facelets tag libraries and participate 
> in the
> Templating framework that Facelets provides. Much of this is tied to the
> TagLibrary and
> TemplateClient API's. Before, with JSF 1.2, there was a single Facelets
> "API" and/or implementation. So integrating with it was much simpler, 
> as is
> shown by previous Gracelets
> versions. With JSF 2.0, part of the Facelets library was divided into 
> public
> API and another as JSF 2.0 specific implementation.
> However, basic concepts such as Templating (TemplateClient and
> TemplateManager) are not considered public API, which means that a
> technology such as Gracelets
> must rely on a per JSF implementation integration library which is 
> volatile
> in nature. The FaceletContext class is public API, but implementations 
> are
> not required to support
> third party implementations of such, and there is no standard way to 
> access
> the TagLibrary used by facelets so that third part View Languages can
> harness them.
> Thus this message has the purpose of requesting such parts of the old
> Facelets library, namely, the TagLibrary, TemplateClient and the related
> FaceletContext methods (popClient(),
> pushClient(), extendClient() and applyDefinition()) to be part of the 
> public
> JSF 2.0 API, while at the same time requiring JSF 2.0 implementors to
> support third party implementations
> of the same classes/API's.
> Respectfully,
> Lewis Gass
> Gracelets Coder
> sestechllc at gmail.com <mailto:sestechllc at gmail.com>
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