[jsr-314-open] PostAddToViewEvent publishing conditions still inconsistent

Leonardo Uribe lu4242 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 22:34:37 EST 2011


Some days ago, I tried to check if publishing conditions for
PostAddToViewEvent were fixed, but unfortunately it was not. These issues:

- PostAddToViewEvent delivery specification needs clarification

http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-805 (for 2.0 rev A)

- Fix PostAddToViewEvent and PreRemoveFromViewEvent publishing conditions

http://java.net/jira/browse/JAVASERVERFACES_SPEC_PUBLIC-782 (for

were marked as fixed.

This is what javadoc for JSF 2.1 says about it (I put the javadoc to make it
more easier to understand):

- (see UIComponent.getChildren method, the part in orange)

"... After the child component has been added to the view,
Application.publishEvent(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class,
java.lang.Object) must be called, passing PostAddToViewEvent.class as the
first argument and the newly added component as the second argument if any
the following cases are true.

    * FacesContext.getCurrentPhaseId() returns PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW and
partial state saving is enabled.
    * FacesContext.isPostback() returns false and
FacesContext.getCurrentPhaseId() returns something other than

- Another reference to the previous point (see PostAddToViewEvent class

"... The implementation must guarantee that
Application.publishEvent(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class,
java.lang.Object) is called, immediately after any UIComponent instance is
added to the view hierarchy except in the case where
ResponseStateManager.isPostback(javax.faces.context.FacesContext) returns
true at the same time as FacesContext.getCurrentPhaseId() returns
PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW. When both of those conditions are met,
Application.publishEvent(javax.faces.context.FacesContext, java.lang.Class,
java.lang.Object) must not be called. ..."

- (see UIComponent.setParent method)

"... Set  the parent UIComponent of this UIComponent. If parent.isInView()
returns true, calling this method will first cause a PreRemoveFromViewEvent
to be published, for this node, and then the children of this node. Then,
once the re-parenting has occurred, a PostAddToViewEvent will be published
as well, first for this node, and then for the node's children, but only if
any of the following conditions are true.

    * FacesContext.getCurrentPhaseId() returns PhaseId.RESTORE_VIEW and
partial state saving is enabled.
    * FacesContext.isPostback() returns false and
FacesContext.getCurrentPhaseId() returns something other than

The first thing to notice is the description here is not what is happening
right now in Mojarra (2.0 and 2.1). The description found in
UIComponent.setParent is more close to the reality (the conditions related
to parent.isInView() ) but the part that says "... but only if any of the
following conditions are true ..." is not being preserved.

The intention of those conditions are clear. See this coment from Andy

"... 2. We don't actually want to deliver PostAddToViewEvents during render
response when Facelets temporarily removes/re-adds existing components from
the tree. ..."

Unfortunately, in practice the previous two conditions does not warrant
that. Its more, there are valid scenarios in facelets when it is required to
throw PostAddToViewEvent (for example, an ui:include src="#{someEL}" should
propagate that event so the view could be restored).

- (see PostAddToViewEvent class description)

"... When an instance of this event is passed to
SystemEventListener.processEvent(javax.faces.event.SystemEvent)  or
the listener implementation may assume that the source of this event
instance is a UIComponent instance and that either that instance or an
ancestor of that instance was just added to the view. Therefore, the
implementation may assume it is safe to call UIComponent.getParent(),
UIComponent.getClientId(), and other methods that depend upon the component
instance being added into the view. ..."

In practice, that's not true in Mojarra, but it is on MyFaces. The reason is
Mojarra still uses a Listener attached to PostAddToViewEvent, making
UIComponent.getClientId() "unstable". If the developer has a listener that
is executed before the one doing relocation, UIComponent.getClientId() call
will not work correctly.

The central point of this mail is how should PostAddToViewEvent should
really behave?

In theory, and according to the latest JSF 2.1 spec, the original intention
must be preserved. That means:

- Deliver PostAddToViewEvents during restore view when partial state saving
is enabled.
- Don't deliver PostAddToViewEvents during render response when Facelets
temporarily removes/re-adds existing components from the tree, but propagate
it when the component is removed or added permanently.

The current behavior of Mojarra, from the point of view of the spec should
be consider a bug. How to do fix it? I propose do the following for Mojarra:

1. Check when a component is temporally removed/added on
ComponentTagHandlerDelegate implementation. If that so, disable event
processing using FacesContext.setProcessingEvents() method temporally while
removal and addition is done.
2. Propagate another internal event (for example PostAddToViewOnRefreshBuild
or something like that) to notify the listeners used for relocation
(cc:insertChildren, cc:insertFacet, h:outputScript, h:outputStylesheet) to
do their job like before.

Anyway, it could be good to know how this should really work, and fix the
relevant points on the spec.

Suggestions are welcome.


Leonardo Uribe
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