Hello <div><br></div><div>Since one of our guys stumbled upon this detail, the f:ajax is supposed to deliver the javascript for the f:ajax tag to the component involved the question now is.<div>If we have a button which has the behavior applied to, does the behavior render a return false at the end or </div>
<div>should it be possible that the button can do a form submit afterwards.</div><div><br></div><div>My personal guess is either is correct, if the behavior adds a return false at the end, then</div><div>the ajax call is done and no form submit is done afterwards, if it is not done</div>
<div>then subsequent added scripts might not be blocked (by other behaviors or internally set scripts)</div><div>but the button has to detect that an ajax behavior is applied and has to add the return false</div><div>at the end himself, so what is the correct approach targetting this.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Kind regards</div><div><br></div><div>Werner Punz</div><div><br></div></div>