[keycloak-dev] Keycloak M1 distribution

Stian Thorgersen stian at redhat.com
Wed Oct 30 15:27:00 EDT 2013

What will the distribution of Keycloak be for M1? Just keycloak-server.war? Should this be deployable to AS 7.1.1.Final and WildFly?

OpenShift QuickStart

For OpenShift I thought a QuickStart using the AS 7.1.1.Final cartridge would be the simplest option. The QuickStart basically is a github repo that contains a starting point to get Keycloak installed. It would update the Resteasy version + install keycloak-server.war. To start a Keycloak instance using rhc you'd use:

# rhc app-create keycloak jbossas-7 --from-code https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-openshift-quickstart.git

We could also make the QuickStart automatically configure Keycloak to use PostgreSQL if available. For example if creating a Keycloak instance with the following it would use PostgreSQL instead of H2:

# rhc app-create keycloak jbossas-7 postgresql-9.2 --from-code https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-openshift-quickstart.git


I've tried to run Keycloak on WildFly and ran into a PicketLink/Hibernate issue (see https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-135 for details). PicketLink guys have merged fix, but that would require upgrading to 2.5.3.Final when it's released. 

I've also tried to upgrade to PicketLink 2.5.2.Final, but am having some issues with the ApplicationData/Entity. When loading the Application from the database, PicketLink tries to set a RealmData on ApplicationData.resourceUser which you may imagine throws an exception. I've added it to https://github.com/stianst/keycloak/tree/pl-2.5. It's either a bug in PicketLink, or a mistake in ApplicationData/Entity, I'm not sure which though.

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