[keycloak-dev] Disable application scope by default?

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Tue Jul 29 14:58:03 EDT 2014

On 7/29/2014 2:38 PM, Stan Silvert wrote:
> On 7/29/2014 1:43 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>> On 7/29/2014 1:33 PM, Stan Silvert wrote:
>>> On 7/29/2014 1:08 PM, Bill Burke wrote:
>>>> I've been looking or a good way to explain scope.  It is the roles an
>>>> application or oauth client is allowed to ask for.
>>>> A user could have the "admin", "buyer" and "seller" roles, but an
>>>> application with the scope of { "buyer" and "seller" } would only get a
>>>> token that contained the "buyer" and "seller" role mappings for that
>>>> user.  Does that make sense at all?
>>>> Its an extra security measure to limit the privileges
>>> Yes, that makes sense.  I think your sentence, "The roles an application
>>> or oauth client is allowed to ask for." should appear in a smaller font
>>> right after the heading "Scope Mappings".
>>> Also, put your example in the doc.
>>> If nothing is assigned in Scope Mappings, then user just gets all the
>>> roles assigned in Users --> username --> Role Mappings, right?
>> This is for token creation.  If no scope is defined (right now), then
>> the token only gets populated for user role mappings of roles that are
>> defined in the application.  I want to change it so that if no scope is
>> defined, then all role mappings would populate the token.
>> Maybe a switch "All user's roles" -> ON/OFF
> Maybe, but if I'm just looking at the switch I will have no idea what it
> does.  This is a really hard usability problem because the concepts are
> hard to grasp.   Furthermore, "role" means something slightly different
> to an application than it does to an OAuth client.

Not really.  OAuth has the concept of scope which is where this came 
from to begin with.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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