[keycloak-dev] reset-password-email web service proposal for modification

Michael Gerber gerbermichi at me.com
Thu Jan 1 08:26:12 EST 2015


The reset-password-email rest web service sends an email to the user with the following content:
Someone just requested to change your Keycloak account's password. If this was you, click on the link below to set a new password: 
http://localhost:8081/auth/realms/master/login-actions/password-reset?code=sI_NFQE1iMBoWhBnuoN674eHyBh5IMi_R2QbQ41X5iY.b1cc4d2a-d02d-4819-8156-17b2dd5e034d <http://localhost:8081/auth/realms/master/login-actions/password-reset?code=sI_NFQE1iMBoWhBnuoN674eHyBh5IMi_R2QbQ41X5iY.b1cc4d2a-d02d-4819-8156-17b2dd5e034d>

The link above navigates to a form where the user has to enter his username or email address. After that he retrieves an other email with the following content:
Someone just requested to change your Keycloak account's password. If this was you, click on the link below to set a new password:
http://localhost:8081/auth/realms/master/login-actions/password-reset?key=Rhs73F1fSOznR-Z3sliNXSVKNBQeKyY8-4qlXqA5buI.b1cc4d2a-d02d-4819-8156-17b2dd5e034d <http://localhost:8081/auth/realms/master/login-actions/password-reset?key=Rhs73F1fSOznR-Z3sliNXSVKNBQeKyY8-4qlXqA5buI.b1cc4d2a-d02d-4819-8156-17b2dd5e034d>

The user can than finally change his password and gets redirected to the keycloak account page.

I think this process is a bit complicated. Isn’t it possible to send just one email? And it would be nice to pass a redirect URI to the web service.
I implemented the described changes to show you what I mean: 
https://github.com/gerbermichi/keycloak/commit/1a892b70b1e788dfc5565d29f1eeeab80109d070 <https://github.com/gerbermichi/keycloak/commit/1a892b70b1e788dfc5565d29f1eeeab80109d070>

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