[keycloak-dev] [GSOC 2015] Keycloak - IoT Security

Bartosz Janota bartosz.janota at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 04:46:50 EDT 2015

Hi Stian,

Thank you for your answer. I'm really happy you like my sundial, I
appreciate that.
I came up with implementation myself. Then me and my friend built and
implemented this sundial as a final project for microprocessor systems
classes. You can go through the documentation available here:
http://student.agh.edu.pl/~bjanota/DokumentacjaZegarSloneczny_v4.pdf if you
are interested. Unfortunately it is written in Polish, nevertheless, you
can get some details seeing pictures and code samples.

Yes of course, I have Java experience. I am member of two Scientific Group
Sections and one of them is focusing on creating projects, we implemented
some Java projects in the past - this is where I started my adventure with
Java. I'm Scala Developer in my current work (earlier I was Java Dev, in
the same company), so I am able to create products in Java as well :).

If you ask about security - I passed Security of computer systems course at
my university - I am familiar with security techniques. In my work we (in
fact me and my two friends) develop analytic tool (written in Scala) which
handles over 1kk unique requests per day form unique users, we must take
care about security - it works well, so I can say I have some experience
with security.

At the end I'd like to add that during the last semester I built a Meetup
client application based on OAuth2.0, you can see code here:
https://github.com/BartoszJanota/swipetup (it is also deployed, you can
find URL in README). I am familiar with OAuth protocol, so I think I will
be able to use OpenID Connect with ease :).

Sounds great, I love coding projects when I can do what I really want and
it is my own idea. I can't imagine working with Keycloak without physical
implementation on hardware devices, I will definitely use some devices :).

So as I understood, now you don't have any ideas or implemented any samples
that use Keycloak and can be run on IoT devices? Which device can you
personally suggest? Will you choose platform or should I do it on my own
(assuming I would be accepted)? Your expectations sound good to me.


On Tue, 24 Mar 2015 at 07:29 Stian Thorgersen <stian at redhat.com> wrote:

> I like your sundial, did you come up with the implementation yourself or
> did you follow instructions from somewhere else?
> Do you have any experience with Java or security?
> The IoT project is left vague intentionally. I'd like the student who
> undertakes the project to come up with an idea for the project. What we
> want is something that can demonstrate the use of Keycloak and OpenID
> Connect in IoT. Expected outcomes would be a POC/demo, instructions on how
> to reproduce and possibly some improvements to Keycloak if required.
> Ideally if you use any hardware devices (which is quite likely ;)) they
> should be cheap and generic so we can reproduce it ourselves.
> If you have any more questions feel free to ask.
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Bartosz Janota" <bartosz.janota at gmail.com>
> > To: keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org
> > Sent: Monday, 23 March, 2015 7:00:35 PM
> > Subject: [keycloak-dev] [GSOC 2015] Keycloak - IoT Security
> >
> > Hi Everyone :),
> >
> > My name is Bartosz Janota and I started my Master's Degree (Computer
> Science)
> > at AGH University of Science and Technology in Krakow, Poland this month.
> >
> > I'm interested in developing Keycloak - IoT Security and I have some
> > arguments to prove that.
> >
> > First of all I'm a big fan of IoT, I like mobile gadgets and automotive
> > industry - it is strongly connected with IoT. Connecting hobby with GSoC
> can
> > be very efficient.
> >
> > Next, I have an experience with IoT. I finished IoT course with 5.0
> (held at
> > my University). We were programming Intel Galileo boards. We designed and
> > implemented some solutions for smart house. You can see more details
> about
> > the course here: http://www.ki.agh.edu.pl/strona/agh-copernicus and
> > http://galaxy.agh.edu.pl/~tszydlo/copernicus/ .
> >
> > At the end I would like to mention that me and my friend designed and
> > implemented a digital sundial based on Raspberry Pi. You can watch this
> > short movie to see how it works:
> > https://onedrive.live.com/?cid=a0b283703bd03412&id=A0B283703
> BD03412%212026&ithint=video,.mp4&authkey=!AGkDFXapyN9gMM4
> > , If you are interested in more details about this project I can show you
> > technical documentation.
> >
> > To sum it up, I'm interesting in participating in Keycloak - IoT Security
> > project. Can you please give me more details about this project? Which
> IoT
> > platforms do you consider?
> >
> > I'm looking forward to hearing from you,
> > Bartosz Janota
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > _______________________________________________
> > keycloak-dev mailing list
> > keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org
> > https://lists.jboss.org/mailman/listinfo/keycloak-dev
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