[keycloak-dev] Why does WildFly CLI suck?

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Wed May 20 08:25:12 EDT 2015

On 5/20/2015 7:47 AM, Stan Silvert wrote:
> On 5/20/2015 3:44 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>> ----- Original Message -----
>>> From: "Bill Burke" <bburke at redhat.com>
>>> To: keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org
>>> Sent: Tuesday, 19 May, 2015 4:04:17 PM
>>> Subject: Re: [keycloak-dev] Why does WildFly CLI suck?
>>> CLI is a UI.  Generically rendered UIs generally suck.  For example, did
>>> not managing JBoss 4.x and earlier suck using some generic JMX UI
>>> renderer?  CLI falls into this category IMO.
>> +1 I've never been able to achieve anything without googling for a recipe
>> The fact that there's alternative commands for doing common tasks suggests that I'm not the only one. For example adding a data-source can be done with:
>>     /subsystem=datasources/data-source=MigrateDS:add(jndi-name=java:jboss/datasources/MigrateDS, pool-name=MigrateDS, driver-name=h2, connection-url=jdbc:h2:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1)
>> or
>>     data-source add ...
>> The first auto-generated one is very hard to use, the whole syntax of the cli is weird in the first place and figuring how to puzzle that together is hopeless.
> That's what CLI GUI is for.

Why would somebody use CLI GUI over keycloak admin console?

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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