[keycloak-dev] DB changes now to get ready for 2.0?

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Tue Apr 5 12:42:32 EDT 2016

Not sure, I am slightly to do it later. The migration will be pain 
anyway, as we already need to support migrating from older Keycloak 
community versions.

Doing it later once we have specs has advantage, that we will know what 
exactly we want to do. Doing it now has risk, that we will still need 
later to do some other changes in schema. So we will have to do the 
migration pain for 2 times (now and later too).


On 05/04/16 14:34, Bill Burke wrote:
> In 2.0 we want to refactor and merge the User Federation and Model APIs
> for users.  All references to users, groups, and roles would turn into
> longer 255 char URIs.  This would require DB schema change right now to.
> Remove foreign key constraints and expand reference column to 255
> characters on:
> * UserRoleMappingEntity
> * UserGroupMembershipEntity
> * GroupRoleMappingEntity
> * UserConsentEntity
> * UserConsentRoleEntity
> * UserRequiredActionEntity
> * UserAttributeEntity
> * GroupAttributeEntity
> Do we want to make this change now?  I have no idea what effect this
> would have on migration of removing secondary keys and expanding column
> size.  Would robably have to drop and recreate indexes too. Do we delay
> this until this is speced out?  Or do we make the change now?

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