[keycloak-dev] Interesting example for trusted service to service communication with JWT

Thomas Darimont thomas.darimont at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 24 03:57:00 EDT 2016


just stumbled upon an (IMHO) interesting example for trusted service to
communication with JWT.

Microservices with Spring Boot and Java JSON Web Tokens (JJWT)

They use the JJWT (https://github.com/jwtk/jjwt) library and and
demonstrate how to use
the kid (Key ID) claim of JWT.
In order to establish trust between two services, public keys are exchanged
to verify
each others JWT token signatures.
So instead of using a shared public key (e.g. Realm public key in Keycloak)
they have a public key per service.

I wonder how this would look like with Keycloak.

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