[keycloak-dev] server start up errors

Marko Strukelj mstrukel at redhat.com
Tue Jun 21 05:27:11 EDT 2016

On Tue, Jun 21, 2016 at 2:07 AM, John Dennis <jdennis at redhat.com> wrote:

> On 06/20/2016 06:13 AM, Marko Strukelj wrote:
>> The first error means that there are existing tables in the local H2
>> database (under standalone/data there are keycloak.* files).
>> It looks like the logic determined that they are of some previous db
>> schema version, and tried to upgrade the schema to latest version, but
>> unexpectedly the schema in place already seems to contain the tables it
>> wasn't supposed to contain.
>> I suppose that could happen if upgrade process is interrupted by
>> restarting the server?
>> Since you are using the default H2 database I assume you don't care
>> about any existing data. The solution for you then is to stop the
>> server, delete the database (rm standalone/data/keycloak.*), and start
>> the server again.
> Thank you Marko, I've got a few more questions for you.
> These errors occur during automated installation and configuration via
> ansible.
> One of the operations performed is invoking bin/add-user-keycloak to add
> the admin user. I seem to recall add-user-keycloak operates on static files
> which are read during start up. Could the use of add-user-keycloak trigger
> the schema errors seen in the log?


> This is a brand new install so why would there be an upgrade process
> running?

One possibility would be that the packaged installation already contains
standalone/data/keycloak.* files, which it shouldn't - maybe it's a custom
packaging you put together?
Another possibility is that the error does not happen on first start, but
on subsequent start, after server is forcefully restarted.

> The ansible scripts do restart the server. Starting the server is done via
> bin/standalone.sh but stopping the server is performed by systemd sending a
> SIGTERM, waiting and then sending a SIGKILL (or so I believe). Does the
> upgrade process gracefully handle SIGTERM such that it continues to run
> until complete and then exit?

This is the most likely culprit. I don't think upgrade procedure will
properly complete when java process is set to shutdown no matter what
signal is used.
The shutdown should only be performed after server has reached started

That's when you see an entry in the log similar to:

11:26:41,410 INFO  [org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0025:
Keycloak 1.9.7.Final (WildFly Core 2.0.10.Final) started in 10219ms -
Started 416 of 782 services (526 services are lazy, passive or on-demand)
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