[keycloak-dev] PAM integration with FreeIPA

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Fri Jun 24 13:01:29 EDT 2016

On 6/24/16 9:53 AM, John Dennis wrote:

> Let me try to clarify a few things.
> PAM is designed as a "conversation", there are a few analogues you could
> compare it to:
> * a series of requests/responses
> * challenge/response authentication (e.g. CRAM)
> PAM has something equivalent to a session where state is stored during
> the "conversation". When you use PAM you establish a context (session)
> and iterate. In each iteration the PAM library will ask you for
> something and you reply. The iteration stops when the library signals
> completion.

Will the PAM conversation object be able to be serialized in-between web 
requests? Is it something that can be rebuilt with HTTP session information?

> For simple password auth the iteration is very short. But depending on
> how the PAM service is configured you could be prompted for other
> things. I suspect with Web forms they way you handle this is via
> redirects until such time as the PAM conversation completes.

What do you mean by "prompted"?  Are we going to have to screen-scrape 
this information, or is it a well defined structure?

> So my suggestion would be to design this where there is a simple web
> form prompting for username/password but allow for the fact you may have
> to redirect to another page.

As I mentioned early, we already have these generic redirection 
capabilities.    Login is a "workflow" and you can define nodes in this 
workflow.  The current node in the flow can fail, pass, ignore, or 
challenge an incoming request.

> Does that help?

We're getting there!  :)  My current thoughts are that PAM integration 
should be implemented as a Keycloak Authenticator and user profile 
lookup, via SSSD, should be done via a User Federation Provider (the new 


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