[keycloak-dev] Migrating Examples to Quickstarts

Sebastien Blanc sblanc at redhat.com
Wed Jan 18 09:36:10 EST 2017

Hi !

We have our new quickstart repo but we still have our "old" examples folder
containing a lot of samples (more than 50!). While most of them are
relevant, we still need to look if all of them are still relevant. I need
the whole team for that.

Could anyone point out examples that could be removed or merged with other
examples ?

Watch out , here is the list  :

* admin-client
* authz :
 ** hello-world
 ** hello-world-authz-service
 ** photoz
 ** servlet-authz
* basic-auth
* saml-broker-authentication
* cordova
* cors :
 ** angular-product-app
 ** database-service
* fuse :
 ** camel
 ** customer-app-fuse
 ** cxf-jaxrs
 ** cxf-jaxws
 ** external-config
 ** features
 ** fuse-admin
 ** product-app-fuse
* js-console
* kerberos
* ldap
* multi-tenant
* saml :
 ** post-with-encryption
 ** post-with-signature
 ** redirect-with-signature
 ** servlet-filter
* themes
* providers :
** authenticator
 **  domain-extension
 **  event-listener-sysout
 **  event-store-mem
 **  federation-provider
 **  rest
 **  user-storage-jpa
* preconfigured-demo :
 **  admin-access-app
 **  angular2-product-app
 **  angular-product-app
 **  customer-app
 **  customer-app-cli
 **  customer-app-filter
 **  customer-app-js
 **  database-service
 **  example-ear
 **  offline-access-app
 **  product-app
 **  service-account
 **  third-party
 **  third-party-cdi

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