[keycloak-dev] Elytron Adapter

Pedro Igor Silva psilva at redhat.com
Wed Mar 22 21:07:49 EDT 2017

I'm experiencing some failures with tests in
org.keycloak.testsuite.adapter.example. For
instance, WildflyJSConsoleExampleAdapterTest. If i deploy js-console
example everything works fine.

Is this a known issue and I can safely ignore ? Even when running against
master (no elytron adapter changes) the test is failing.

If a known issue, which tests should I care most to make sure Elytron
Adapter is functional ?

Pedro Igor

On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 8:09 PM, Pedro Igor Silva <psilva at redhat.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I'm starting to finish up some tests with the new Elytron Adapters for
> OIDC and SAML. The idea is push the adapter as soon as I prepare arquillian
> testsuite to run against a container using Elytron.
> Until now, I was using integration tests to test these adapters. But for
> now on, I'll be running all arquillian tests as suggested by Stian. Results
> are pretty good so far, there is a single test failure right now
> (org.keycloak.testsuite.adapter.servlet.AbstractDemoServletsAdapterTest#historyOfAccessResourceTest)
> which I need to figure out what is going on.
> We are going to have a specific profile to test Elytron adapters. This
> profile is configured to run a WFLY 11 SNAPSHOT.
> I've already discussed this topic with Stian and the idea is to create a
> baseline for Elytron adapters as well start preparing Keycloak for Wildfly
> 11 and the new security infrastructure provided by Elytron.
> This *does not* mean that we are replacing undertow adapters. But just
> preparing our adapters code base to the next WFLY release (and EAP 7).
> I'll probably send a PR on friday or early next week.
> Please, let me know if you have any questions about this work.
> Regards.
> Pedro Igor

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