[keycloak-dev] Why does client session expire regardless remember-me extended validity?

Ken Haendel kschwiersch at yahoo.de
Mon Feb 18 11:05:42 EST 2019

Am 15.02.19 um 14:56 schrieb Marek Posolda:
> IMO single PR is fine. But I suggest to create new JIRA or update 
> description of existing JIRA, so that it contains also the description 
> for this "new" bug.
> 2 minor things:
> - Is it possible to update this check, so it considers the 
> "min(expired, expiredRememberMe)" instead of being hardcoded to 
> expiredRememberMe? In most cases, the 
> "ssoSessionMAxLifespanRememberMe" is bigger than 
> "ssoSessionMaxLifespan", however it may not be always true. For 
> example, someone can want to increase ssoSessionMaxLifespan to some 
> very big value, but he doesn't use "remember me", so he won't increase 
> the "ssoSessionMAxLifespanRememberMe" .


min(expired, expiredRememberMe) is NOT the right formula for the normal 
case, where rememberMe is a bigger value than SsoSessionMaxLifespan. It 
would choose the smaller value. Do you mean max?


You are describing a scenario, where ssoSessionMaxLifespan is used with 
a very high value and remember-me is turned off. This could of course be 
the case, but

the variable expiredRememberMe does already check, if a remember-me 
timeout has been set or not (realm.getSsoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe() 
 > 0) line 488.

Every person, that does not use remember-me will leave the remember-me 
timeouts zero. Therefore my check would work for them and 
SsoSessionMaxLifespan would be used instead.

But this is just my two cents.



> - Is it possible to add the test for the buggy scenarios? It is hard 
> to test it properly, but we somehow test it with usage of time offset 
> and manually invoking "expiration check". It is done in 
> UserSessionProviderTest - please make sure to use the one from new 
> testsuite as this test is currently duplicated in both the new and old 
> testsuite :(
> Marek
> On 15/02/2019 02:57, Stefan Guilhen wrote:
>> Hi Ken,
>> Yes, it does make sense to me to use the remember-me value for the 
>> client session as well. Marek, WDYT? Should we open a new Jira just 
>> for this or can I just amend the commit to include this fix too?
>> Stefan
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2019 at 10:34 AM Ken Haendel <kschwiersch at yahoo.de 
>> <mailto:kschwiersch at yahoo.de>> wrote:
>>     Hi Stefan, Marek
>>     Thank you for your quick reply.
>>     I have recently tested your pull request [1], if that fixes my
>>     issue with the expired client session cache and it does NOT. It
>>     only fixes an issue with the user session cache.
>>     My proposal to fix that problem would be as follows (verified here):
>>     diff --git
>>     a/model/infinispan/src/main/java/org/keycloak/models/sessions/infinispan/InfinispanUserSessionProvider.java
>>     b/model/infinispan/src/main/java/org/keycloak/models/sessions/infinispan/InfinispanUserSessionProvider.java
>>     index b1429a6391..54cb244624 100755
>>     ---
>>     a/model/infinispan/src/main/java/org/keycloak/models/sessions/infinispan/InfinispanUserSessionProvider.java
>>     +++
>>     b/model/infinispan/src/main/java/org/keycloak/models/sessions/infinispan/InfinispanUserSessionProvider.java
>>     @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ public class InfinispanUserSessionProvider
>>     implements UserSessionProvider {
>>              localClientSessionCacheStoreIgnore
>>                      .entrySet()
>>                      .stream()
>>     -
>>     .filter(AuthenticatedClientSessionPredicate.create(realm.getId()).expired(expired))
>>     +
>>     .filter(AuthenticatedClientSessionPredicate.create(realm.getId()).expired(expiredRememberMe))
>>     Using that change, the life span of the client session would be
>>     longer for remember-me logins.
>>     Can you please check if that makes sense for you?
>>     It would be nice if a fix could be added in the next releases to
>>     make it unnecessary to patch the further release :-)
>>     Kind regards,
>>     Ken
>>     [1] https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/5852
>>     Am 13.02.19 um 18:27 schrieb Stefan Guilhen:
>>>     It is possible that Ken is seeing something different. I will
>>>     take a look into it to be sure.
>>>     Best regards,
>>>     Stefan
>>>     On Wed, Feb 13, 2019, 13:43 Marek Posolda <mposolda at redhat.com
>>>     <mailto:mposolda at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>         We have PR open, which is related to that [1], but not sure
>>>         if that PR
>>>         fixes also your issue. It seems there is nothing related to
>>>         client
>>>         sessions. I am CCing Stefan in case he has some more to it.
>>>         In the meantime, if you are curious if fix works, I suggest to
>>>         cherry-pick Stefan's commit and build Keycloak and check if the
>>>         behaviour is fixed with that PR.
>>>         [1] https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/5852
>>>         Marek
>>>         On 13/02/2019 14:15, Ken Haendel wrote:
>>>         > I have a problem authenticating a spring secured web-app
>>>         using keycloak
>>>         > 4.8.3.
>>>         >
>>>         > If the user logs in with remember-me enabled, the user
>>>         session does use
>>>         > a larger SSO max life span (ssoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe).
>>>         >
>>>         > So far so good.
>>>         >
>>>         > Now i want to call another secured REST-API using the
>>>         KeycloakRestService.
>>>         >
>>>         > That triggers OAuthRequestAuthenticator to verify token
>>>         > (AdapterTokenVerifier.verifyTokens).
>>>         >
>>>         > That operation fails, because the client session expired
>>>         much earlier
>>>         > (after ssoSessionMaxLifespan). The client session gets
>>>         removed from the
>>>         > client session cache
>>>         > (InfinispanUserSessionProvider.removeExpiredUserSessions).
>>>         >
>>>         > Error message of AdapterTokenVerifier.verifyTokens() is:
>>>         >
>>>         > "ERROR RefreshableKeycloakSecurityContext Refresh token
>>>         failure status:
>>>         > 400 {"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"Session
>>>         doesn't have
>>>         > required client"}"
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         > So, the point is: after the client session gets removed
>>>         from cache (SSO
>>>         > max life span) i can no longer use the refresh token to
>>>         request new
>>>         > tokens and call another REST-API service
>>>         >
>>>         > using the same identity as the web-app.
>>>         >
>>>         > Even though i have still a valid user session to use my
>>>         spring app.
>>>         >
>>>         >
>>>         > Expectation was: I can use refresh token within the larger
>>>         time span
>>>         > with remember-me enabled (SsoSessionMaxLifespanRememberMe).
>>>         >
>>>         > Actual behaviour is: Refresh token gets useless within the
>>>         shorter time
>>>         > span (ssoSessionMaxLifespan)
>>>         >
>>>         > Question: Why is the client session removed so early and
>>>         not when the
>>>         > user session expires? Is that expected behavoiur?
>>>         >
>>>         > Thank you in advance,
>>>         >
>>>         > Ken
>>>         >
>>>         >
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>>>         > keycloak-dev mailing list
>>>         > keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org
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>> -- 
>> Red Hat<https://www.redhat.com/>
>> sguilhen at redhat.com <mailto:sguilhen at redhat.com> M: +55-11-98117-7332 
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