[keycloak-dev] Please Review Updated Getting Started Guide

Andrew Munro amunro at redhat.com
Wed Nov 6 09:50:46 EST 2019

I have updated this guide to conform to Red Hat standards for modular
documentation and made changes based on my testing of the procedures.
Note that I could only get the sample app chapter to work in the original
version by issuing these commands first:

   - bin/standalone.sh -b
   - export WILDFLY_HOME=`pwd`;export JBOSS_HOME=`pwd`

However, this did not create the intended set up, so I didn't include it.
Should this be added?

Here is the PR; https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak-documentation/pull/769

Aslo, the ZIP files that show HTML content for both Keycloak and SSO are in
the Jira:  https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-11876

*Andrew Munro*

Senior Technical Writer
Cell: 978-844-0637

Red Hat <https://www.redhat.com>

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