[keycloak-user] API to add/update users in KeyCloak

Bill Burke bburke at redhat.com
Wed Apr 23 14:24:15 EDT 2014

On 4/23/2014 2:06 PM, Kamalakannan J wrote:
> Hello,
>    We are in the process of identifying the feasibility to integrate our
> JBOSS AS7 application with KeyCloak application for the OAUTH
> requirements. In the process, we are in a stage to identify a right way to
>    -> ADD/UPDATE Users from our application to KeyCloak application
> (without using UI)
>    -> Also during the setup process we would like to add realm, register
> all the clients that uses our service to KeyCloak Application(without
> using UI).
>  From archives, it looks like there are some ways possible but it is not
> clear though there are no REST API endpoints at the moment.

There is a full admin REST api, although undocumented.  The admin 
console UI is built on top of it.

You can invoke on it using a bearer token which you can obtain by 
"Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant" [1]  invoked


"keycloak-admin" is the master domain that manages the admin REST 
interface for all realms.

The admin rest interface starts at:


You'll have to look at the source code for all REST endpoints, sorry.  I 
haven't documented it yet.

Bill Burke
JBoss, a division of Red Hat

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