[keycloak-user] Stuck in Email Validation question

Hartmut Benz h.benz at first8.nl
Fri Oct 28 07:29:49 EDT 2016

Hi all,

I have a question about how I can get (a user) out of a Validate-Email 
deadlock that can result in our use case.

New users can register with Social Login, Email verification is On,
but for policy reasons, we do not use the incoming email from the 
Identity Provider, but require the user type in another email.

A user registers with (for instance) Google, but puts a typo in the 
email address entered in the registration page.
Upon submit, the validation mail goes to Nirvana (the mis-typed email 
address) and the user is stuck with no way out I can discover.
He cannot validate the email that he cannot receive.
Every time he logs in (with Google), he gets the page that he needs to 
validate the email before proceeding.

Is there a method to get out of this deadlock without involving a 
helpdesk call to delete 'stuck' user?

Many thanks in advance

Dr. Hartmut Benz                                   +31 (0)6  30 167 093
First8 B.V.                 Kerkenbos 10-59b       +31 (0)24 34 835 70
www.first8.nl               6546BB Nijmegen        h.benz at first8.nl

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