[keycloak-user] Skip Broker First-Time Flow?

Peter K. Boucher pkboucher801 at gmail.com
Wed Aug 23 14:51:48 EDT 2017

We have a need to pre-provision user accounts that are to be accessed with
SAML from an outside IdP.  These accounts are only ever to be used via SAML
from this external IdP (i.e., we never want them to have to use a password
to verify anything to Keycloak.


Is there any way for the account-linking the first time the user comes in
with SAML to happen automatically and silently?


We understand that in some circumstances it would be a security hole to
allow someone to connect via a brokered IdP to an existing account that has
already been used, but these accounts are being created specifically to be
accessed by this particular broker.


Any help?





Peter K. Boucher

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