[keycloak-user] android google-oauth-client parse idtoken

Matthew Broadhead matthew.broadhead at nbmlaw.co.uk
Mon Dec 4 04:44:37 EST 2017

i am using com.google.oauth-client:google-oauth-client:1.23.0 in an 
android project.  when it parses the idtoken received from keycloak 
(3.4.0) it doesn't receive a "name" part in the payload.  there is no 
preferred_username there either.  the scopes i am sending from the 
example are
private static final String[] SCOPES = new String[]{ "openid", 
"offline_access", "profile" };
i was wondering if anyone knew off the top of their head whether i am 
missing something for example if i need to define an extra scope

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