[keycloak-user] Consent Required how it works exatly

Marek Posolda mposolda at redhat.com
Tue Jul 11 16:59:31 EDT 2017

It means that after successful login to this client, the Keycloak will 
display the screen where user needs to confirm if he wants to share his 
personal informations and roles with the client applications. Something 
like "application XY wants to see your email, firstName, lastName and 
roles user and administrator". You may know this type of screen from 
vendors like Facebook or Google.


On 04/07/17 17:35, Nikolaj Majorov wrote:
> Hi all,
> I see that for sample app-jee-html5 application in the  the client
> configuration the property
> "Consent Required" is configured. How does it implemented ? doest it
> mean that application get cookie first after user logged-in with
> user-name password  or other js Iframe ? and only after login with
> user-name& password the  client can ask for token ?
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