[keycloak-user] Facebook "picture" / additional scopes access

Scott Dunbar scott at xigole.com
Tue Jul 25 22:11:53 EDT 2017

Hi all,
I've not dealt with a Facebook integration in a while and am ultimately
trying to get the "picture" attribute of a Facebook user.  However, while I
see the code in
that asks for some fields it is unclear how I add "picture" via the admin
console in "Identity Providers -> Facebook -> Default Scopes".  If I put
the word "picture" in "Default Scopes" I get an error from Facebook:

"Unsupported scope: 'picture'. Supported scopes: ads_management ads_read
email offline_access user_friends"

I've tried "public_profile" and, while it doesn't give an error, it does
not return what I'm looking for:

2017-07-25 20:06:27,595 DEBUG [org.keycloak.social.user_profile_dump]
(default task-84) User Profile JSON Data for provider facebook:

I'm obviously missing something - how do I add some "scopes" to what is
requested from Facebook?

Thanks for any help.  I'll be doing the same for at least the Google
adapter next - any hints there?

Scott Dunbar

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